
Tapera Brasil Stand Up Paddle



The TAPERA Stand Up Paddle Foundation project was born in 2018 thanks to the partnership between Floripa Stand Up Paddle, the Sports Secretariat of Florianopolis and the “Bem Possível” Institute.


In the Tapera district of Brazil, children in vulnerable situations are referred by the Guardianship Council, the CRAS (Social Assistance Reference Centre) and the PAEFI (Specialised Protection and Assistance Service for Families and Individuals).


The Decathlon Florianópolis teams decided to set up a Foundation project in partnership with the Ben Possível Institute, to enable these children to get out of their daily lives, meet other young people, create social links through sport and share moments of conviviality. It also makes a sport that is usually expensive accessible.


Paddleboarding courses have a positive impact on physical, psychological and emotional health. It is an excellent way to develop self-esteem and community.



The sports secretariat provided the necessary funds for the salaries of the professionals involved. Floripa Stand Up Paddle provided all the necessary equipment for the practice: boards, paddles and life jackets. Finally, the “Ben Possível” Institute provides all the necessary professionals: stand up paddle teacher, psychologist and social worker.


The foundation project enabled the association to purchase wetsuits and life jackets for the children, 10 stand up paddle boards, 20 socks, 30 pairs of neoprene shoes, 2 travel mats and clothing for the instructors.


To date, this project is supporting 50 children aged between 6 and 14, twice a week, in the morning and afternoon. Decathlon teams regularly visit the site to paddle with them.



These children are also strongly sensitised to the protection of the environment as waste collection sessions are organised during the paddle sessions.



Congratulations to the Decathlon Florianópolis teams for their involvement in this project!


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